Getting Away With Intellectualizing Your Own Idiocy

Has it really finally caught up with her?

4 min readOct 27, 2018

Bill O’Reilly has done it. Steve Bannon has done it. Glenn Beck has done it. Laura Ingraham continues to do it. Ann Coulter is a pro at it. So why not Megyn Kelly?

What is both trifling and amazing to me all at the same time is how Megyn Kelly and the like can get away with intellectualizing idiocy by bullying. It takes a bit of bullyragging; condescending standpoints, absurd entitlement, and a heaping of white fragility topped off with some perceived intelligence from attaining credentials and then poof! A witch appears.

“What is racist?”

“You do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface on Halloween, or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween. Back when I was a kid, that was O.K., as long as you were dressing up as a character.”

This witch doesn’t appear to have any fragile self-esteem issues, that sort of fragility is reserved for the concepts embedded in the identity of whiteness — a false identity. What is apparent is her narcissism — the vanity and insanity which seemingly justifies it. That she can be so inclined to use her legal argumentation skills to defend stupidity and uphold idiocy is now a well sought after skill for talk media journalism. In a March…

