Omarosa Resigns, Opportunist Off To Seek New Opportunities

…Or Was She Simply Just Fired Again By Trump

4 min readDec 13, 2017
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“Omarosa Manigault Newman resigned yesterday to pursue other opportunities. Her departure will not be effective until January 20, 2018. We wish her the best in future endeavors and are grateful for her service.” — WH Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Wednesday December 13, 2017

Whaaaat!? 👀

Member of the White House Press corps

Sources told the Daily News in September that Kelly was unhappy with Manigault’s influence on the President and her ability to get him worked up over hot topics.

Kelly did the firing and Manigault “acted very vulgar and cursed a lot and said she helped elect President Trump,” sources told American Urban Radio Networks’ April Ryan.

Me: 😳😳😳🤭🤭🤭

I still am unaware of what Omarosa does or in what capacity her role has been as liaison and ear to the President. Many have suggested or inferred that she is in charge of communications and outreach to the African American community. I thought that such a role would entail some degree of influence or even likability towards her in said community where evidently she has none.

But Manigault’s title beneath the flourish of her signature — “The Honorable Omarosa Manigault” — bothered multiple CBC members who thought she hadn’t earned it or done much to advance the caucus’ goals, Politico reported.

“Given the lack of response to any of the many concerns we have raised with you and your administration, we decline your invitation for all 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus to meet with you,” chairman Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) wrote in a letter to Trump.

The unsolicited subscription to His Royal Whiteness would not bode well with African Americans, people of color in general, or rational non people of color. They would find the sycophancy of behaviors and attitudes espoused by Omarosa Manigault-Newman repulsive and any attempt by her in terms of outreach and concerns would be met with skepticism as has played out recently at the Black Journalists Convention.

Omarosa is a fellow narcissist to Trump whose narcissism and unhealthy entitlement is tailored to her grandiosity, as seen more recently with her presumptuous wedding announcement reported by People magazine, to Pastor John Allen Newman at Trump International Hotel in D.C. in April. Dr. Craig Malkin’s Rethinking Narcissism exposes this trait succinctly.

They also have a kind of grandiosity, where they truly believe that everything they do when it leads to a success, it’s because of what they have done or not done themselves. It’s as if they feel this incredible sense of control over their own fate. And of course, this is nonsense, but that kind of grandiosity appears to be linked to the ability to say, go into a risky business venture feeling like I know what I am doing here. And sometimes, there is a big payoff, not always, but it’s enough to help people persist in the face of failure when they’re trying to accumulate wealth and obviously there is some connection between that belief and people accumulating more wealth.

But the air of superiority that she feels entitled to by mere affiliation or association to a far more dangerous narcissist reeks of dissonance and incompatibility. In essence I liken Omarosa to being assigned to compete on the Real Flunkies of The White House Apprentice show.

“I believe the first reason that Donald Trump is running for president is because he truly believes that he can help turn the nation around,” Manigault says. “The second reason I believe is that this is the greatest position in the world, to be at the center of political power, of the universe. But more importantly, every critic, every detractor will have to bow down to President Trump.” — PBS Frontline September, 2016

PBS Frontline
Me: Really!?

“I am living the American dream because of Donald Trump. Look at my career, the wealth and exposure that I’ve had; it’s very difficult to make the argument that Donald Trump doesn’t like black people and black women.” — NPR

The New York Times reported in September that chief of staff John Kelly had put her on a “no-fly list” of aides who he did not consider fit to attend serious meetings. Source: Reuters

Whether there is a bit retribution behind the timing of this resignation or firing and the Alabama State Senate Race resulting in an African American vote en masse against the His Royal Whiteness decree, who knows, but in any event there you have it.

