1 min readDec 13, 2018


You really should not debate what is undebatable with Adam Koncz. Many of the statements he is making are misleading, cynical, specious and dubious to say the least. You and I as well as the entire Black diaspora is not responsible for his lack of self-awareness, he can make his more rational racially white counterparts find it for him.

We are also not obligated to help him find it either. His false narratives and fallacious white framing of European discovery and enlightenment is utterly wrong and contradictory to begin with. His counterintuitive remarks are laughable and not worthy of my time.

He is simply wanting and hoping someone intelligent will bow down to his level of absurdity and accede to his motivated ignorance of insensitive beliefs and erroneous thought processes. The European Americans he reveres and speaks of from Europe dominate only the category of evil and if that is what he wants credit for, gladly give it to him and his people.

We will grant that award every day of the year if he wants.

